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Paint the Faroe Islands

Join me Painting the Faroe Islands

máli í Mykinesi

plein-air painting, in its strictest sense, the practice of painting landscape pictures out-of-doors; more loosely, the achievement of an intense impression of the open air (French: plein air) in a landscape painting.

You can join me

You can paint with me in different ways. You can join a one-day trip, or several one-day trips. If you wish, we can make a trip full board in cooperation with a boutique hotel or you can stay in a holiday apartment in my neighborhood.

Painting Múlafossur

Me painting Múlafoss

About me:

Pól Skarðenni (b. 1962) is a productive artist. His art is wide-ranging with diverse style and motifs. He paints beautiful and tranquil landscapes, expressive images that comment on society and decorates the canvas with abstract strokes. Pol Skarðenni’s characteristic feature is being present in the moment and getting the most out of it. He works purposefully with an idea until he solves the riddle and then he moves on. This makes him a constantly searching artist.

An important part of Pól Skarðenni’s motif is landscape. He likes to paint outside in nature. In this manner he communicates his experiences of the changing weather and light and this gives life to the pictures. The pictures not concerned with landscape vary a lot, all of them in different painting styles. A sensual and material enthusiasm is in his art, and the timelessness in the pictures speaks directly to us all.

Pól Skarðenni is an autodidact artist. He is a graduate engineer and has worked as a designer on major projects in Europe. As a child he liked to draw but at the age when most children stop Pól Skarðenni continued. His interest grew and when he started in secondary school he bought his first artist supplies. He has always painted in his spare time but since 2003 he has painted full-time. Pól Skarðenni is represented in several galleries and people are welcome to visit the artist’s studio by appointment in Vatnsoyrar in the Faroe Islands.


Our tours prioritize sustainability, emphasizing reuse in our consumption.
The wet panel carrier is crafted from recycled materials sourced from discarded furniture, aprons are sewn from recycled fabric in a protected workshop, and cloths are repurposed. Protective gloves are disposable.
Our small meal features homemade rolls, rhubarb jam, Faroese cheese and butter, accompanied by coffee and tea.
It’s worth noting that the paints and aluminum panels used for painting are not recycled.